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What we Offer

We offer a complete range of solar power related solutions for customers whether they're looking for a rooftop installation or a large utility scale project for energy intensive industries.



CAPEX (own your asset)

Own the complete infrastructure and generate your own solar power. We can arrange expert analysis of your proposed site, construction of the solar power plant, and operations & maintenance of the project through its lifecycle. You can avail the benefits of any government subsidies available.

OPEX (pay as you go)

Through our solar development partner, we analyze the space available (or your power needs in the case of off-site power), build the complete solar power plant free of cost, and handle its operations & maintenance. As the client, you agree to buy the low cost power over a long term power purchase agreement. You have the option to buy the solar plant at the end of the period for a nominal fee.


You can drive significant cost savings for your organization by installing a solar plant on your premises. Unused rooftop space is an ideal site for generating electricity. Through the OpEx model, our development partner funds and installs the solar plant, customizing it to suit your requirements.

The benefits are multifold:

  • Zero investment from customer

  • No technical or financial risk to customer

  • Guaranteed savings on every unit of electricity purchased

  • Hassle-free maintenance and monitoring of plant performance


Don't have the available area on your premises for on-site power? We arrange for our development partner to invest the capital to install and maintain large-scale solar parks at an another location in the state, and you can purchase the generated power through the open-access route at a pre-determined tariff. The lower-than-grid cost solar electricity is 'wheeled' to your premises through the state owned distribution company. 

Similar to on-site power, the benefits are many:

  • Minimal investment from customer

  • No technical or financial risk to customer

  • Guaranteed savings on every unit of electricity purchased

  • Hassle-free maintenance and monitoring of plant performance


If you have a facility with power supply outages or reliability problems, solar + storage could be the right solution for you. We can design and install a predictive solution that generates excess power during in times of optimal sunlight,  that can be stored and utilized in later hours when solar generation is not possible.


  • Round the clock seamless power

  • Enhanced energy independence

  • Assured electricity savings​

  • Superior alternative to diesel generator 

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